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Katharine*Aleks Training and Education


Katharine*Aleks Training and Education

Fascinated by Gemstones?

For all of your tutoring requirements in the study of Gemmology and Gem Diamonds, contact Kate Hopley.

Specialised towards preparation for the attainament of the Gemmological Association's worldwide recognised qualifications of FGA and DGA


Kate's Profile

Kate Hopley:

• originally studied Gemmology at the Birmingham City University’s School of Jewellery in 1996
• has been a Fellow (FGA) of Gem-A (the Gemmological Association of Great Britain) since 1996
• is a Diamond Associate of Gem-A, having attained her Diamond Diploma (DGA) in 1997
• operates one of only two U.K. based Gem-A ATCs (Accredited Teaching Centre) for Gem-A, and has done so since 2000

• is a correspondence tutor for Gem-A
• attained her Graduate Gemologist Diploma (GG) through studying Gemology with the GIA (Gemological Institute of America) in 2005
• has taught, predominately at the School of Jewellery, since 1997
• was Course Director of Gemmology at the School of Jewellery from 2006 - 2011
• has completed a Course in diamond polishing in Hatton Garden
• specialices in the training of students to FGA and DGA level, achieving a sound track record of student pass rates, with Gem-A world awards regularly being attained by Kate's students
• is proprietor of her own Company, K.A.T.E. Katharine*Aleks Training and Education, through which she also produces and delivers bespoke Courses and Staff training to the trade, as well as teaching people from all walks of life, for whom gemstones hold a fascination.




is an

Accredited Teaching Centre (ATC)
registered with the
Gemmological Association of Great Britain (Gem-A)

and specialises in:

Tuition to attain the:

Gem-A Foundation in Gemmology Practical Certificate
Gem-A Foundation in Gemmology Practical Endorsement
Gem-A Diploma in Gemmology
Gem-A Gem Diamond Diploma
Gem-A Gem Diamond Practical Certificate


also undertakes

Staff Training
Diamond, Gemmology and Jewellery
related work
in-house or at ATC

offering the additional following services
in the UK and internationally:

Bespoke Courses in Gemmology and Jewellery

Diamond and Gemstone Company Audits

Diamond, Gemstone and Jewellery Certificates and Valuations


**** Full-day Courses currently being scheduled ****

Gem-A Gem Diamond Practical Certificate Course
Course commences: Summer / Autumn 2014. Exam October 2014


Full schedules available on application


Descriptions of some of the bespoke Courses offered (but Gemstone topics limited only by your imagination!):


Gems in Retail

This Course covers basic knowledge that many retailers require in how to sell Gemstone set Jewellery. The importance of hardness, styles of cut, terminology are amongst a few of the aspects covered in this short but highly informative Course. Plenty of opportunity to handle gemstones

Whilst Gemmological experience is advantageous, students do not require previous Gemmological knowledge in order to participate and benefit from this Course.

Maximum number of participants: 9
Course duration: ½ day.


Gems in Jewellery Manufacturing

This one day Course is designed for the Jewellery Manufacturer / Designer who uses Gems in their Jewellery settings and designs, or even for the Gem enthusiast who loves to wear Gemstones. The Course covers the importance of the consideration of aspects such as hardness, cut, inclusions, colour when choosing Gemstones for Jewellery. There is plenty of opportunity for discussion relating to students’ own Gem setting experiences and concerns. A fun and interesting course!

This Course is also designed to precede the one day Course ‘Gemstone or Glass – what are you buying?’ although each is a one day Course in its own right.
No previous Gemmological knowledge is required in order to participate and benefit from this Course.

Maximum number of participants: 9
The Course duration is of 1 day.


Gemstone or Glass – do you know what are you buying?

This course is designed for those interested in buying gemstones, but who have little or no knowledge in this area. During the Course, you will receive basic guidance to ensure that the gemstone you purchase is not simply a piece of glass. Whilst this Course does not endeavour to make a Gemmologist of you in one day, it is surprising how much you can learn in this amount of time. You will be taught the knowledge and skills needed to know what to look out for and what to avoid when buying gems. This Course will prove to be invaluable for anyone whose business or pleasure involves the buying of gemstones. No previous experience of Gemmology is required.

This Course is also designed to follow the one day Course ‘Gems in Jewellery Manufacturing’ although each is a one day Course in its own right.
No previous Gemmological knowledge is required in order to participate and benefit from this Course.

Maximum number of participants: 9
The Course duration is of 1 day.


Synthetics: a real threat to the jewellery trade

This Course examines the synthetic Gemstones that may be encountered in the Jewellery industry today, with the focus being on those that are most prevalent: Sapphire, Ruby, Emerald, Diamond and Opal.

The Course covers the manufacturing methods used in the production of synthetics and the key features and aspects to look for in separating synthetic gemstones from their natural counterparts.

This is a very enjoyable and informative hands-on Course with plenty of specimens to handle and to examine, both in their rough state and as fashioned pieces.
Whilst Gemmological experience is advantageous, students do not require previous Gemmological knowledge in order to participate and benefit from this Course.

Maximum number of participants: 9
The Course duration is of 2 days.


Treated Gemstones: do you know what you are dealing with?

The subject of treatments to gemstones is discussed. The most common treatments seen in the most commercially important gemstones are covered, such as those seen in: Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Diamond, Opal.

This is a very enjoyable, informative hands-on Course, with plenty of opportunity to handle gemstones that are both treated and untreated.
Whilst Gemmological experience is advantageous, students do not require previous Gemmological knowledge in order to participate and benefit from this Course.

Maximum number of participants: 9
The Course duration is of 1 day.


Pearls – an overview

Baffled by the different array of Pearls seen within the Jewellery market today? Then join the majority! This Course reveals the facts behind the mystery, explaining the different types of Pearl commonly seen in the high street shops and covering simple ways of separating Pearls from fakes!

An enjoyable, educational day with plenty of hands-on experience.
No previous Gemmological knowledge is required in order to participate and benefit from this Course.

Maximum number of participants: 9
The Course duration is of 1 day

Synthetic Diamonds – would you be able to recognise one?

Whilst Synthetic Diamonds are not widely seen in today’s market place, there will no doubt come a day when they are encountered on a more regular basis. This short Course prepares you for that day, showing you how much you may expect to be able to recognise with standard Gemmological tools and when you would expect to send the Diamond to a principal Gemmological Laboratory.

An interesting and educational Course, with much hands-on practice covering both rough and faceted material.
Whilst experience of Diamonds is advantageous, students do not require previous knowledge in order to participate and benefit from this Course.

Maximum number of participants: 9
Course duration: ½ day.

Fracture Filled and Laser Drilled diamonds – what they are and why you need to recognise them

This Course covers two diamond treatments that are commonly seen within the Jewellery trade today and discusses why it is so important to the retail and manufacturing jeweller that they are able to recognise these treatments. The methods of treatment are covered, along with training in how to recognise them using a 10x lens and a microscope.

An enjoyable and informative Course, with plenty of hands on practice.
Whilst experience of Diamonds is advantageous, students do not require previous knowledge in order to participate and benefit from this Course.

Maximum number of participants: 9
Course duration: ½ day.


Separating diamond from its imitations

Diamond sales outnumber the sales of all other types of Gemstone put together and are widely imitated. This short Course shows you how to separate diamond from its imitations, with emphasis being on the most successful imitations seen in today’s market place, synthetic moissanite and cubic zirconia (C.Z.), using standard Gemmological instruments, including the thermal diamond tester.

An interesting and educational Course, with much hands-on practice.
Whilst experience of Diamonds is advantageous, students do not require previous knowledge in order to participate and benefit from this Course.

Maximum number of participants: 9
Course duration: ½ day.

Gemmology Basics

This intensive course provides a unique opportunity to learn basic practical gem identification skills, using standard gem testing techniques utilising equipment such as the 10x lens, polariscope and refractometer. The Course follows the principles as set out by the Gemmological Association (Gem-A.) Learning basic identification skills will help you to distinguish between natural, synthetic and imitation gems. Designed as an introduction to practical Gemmology for those considering studying this interesting subject, this Course is also ideal for use as a stepping stone between Gem-A’s more theoretical Foundation Practical Certificate Gemmology Course and the Gemmology Diploma Course. It is very much a hands-on Course, with all necessary equipment being provided. Course handouts will also be provided by the tutor.

This Course is ideal for anyone working in workshops or in retail or for those who are enthusiastic in this subject.
Whilst Gemmological experience is advantageous, students do not require previous Gemmological knowledge in order to participate and benefit from this Course.

Maximum number of participants: 9
The Course duration is of 3 days.


Plus many more.....!!



Descriptions of some of the Gem-A Courses offered:

Gem-A Diamond Grading Practical Certificate Exam Course

This is a unique opportunity to enrol on this Worldwide recognised Course which is only available through Accredited Teaching Centres (ATCs) of Gem-A (Gemmological Association of Great Britain.) The Course follows the Diamond Grading Practical Certificate Course Programme, as set out by Gem-A, culminating in an Examination, success in which will earn you the Gem-A’s Gem Diamond Practical Grading Certificate. The Certificate is an internationally recognised qualification in the Diamond industry and will also allow exemption from the practical component of the Gemmological Association’s Gem Diamond Diploma Course, should you wish to complete your studies for Gem-A’s Gem Diamond Diploma and progress to the prestigious, worldwide recognsed DGA (Gem Diamond Associate of Gem-A) status. During the Course, you will cover all practical aspects of grading a diamond for clarity, colour and cut, to international standards, as recognised within the jewellery trade, plus the skills required to distinguish a diamond from a simulant with the use of a 10x lens, a lamp and a diamond thermal tester. On the final day, a practical examination is set, which will be marked externally by Gem-A examiners. The exam fee is included within the Course fee, which also covers all Course notes and materials as provided by Gem-A. Any other necessary equipment will be provided.

No previous experience of Diamonds is required.

Maximum number of participants: 7
The Course duration is of 6½ days, including the Exam day.


Gem-A Foundation in Gemmology Practical Endorsement (3 days)

This is a unique opportunity to enrol on the Practical Endorsement required by those Gem-A students who are already enrolled upon the Gem-A's Foundation in Gemmology Practical Certificate Course. The Practical Endorsement is only available through Accredited Teaching Centres (ATCs) of Gem-A (Gemmological Association of Great Britain.) Attainment of the Practical Endorsement will enable you to enter into the Foundation in Gemmology Practical Certificate Examination. The Certificate is an internationally recognised qualification in the gemstone and jewellery industry, as well as being required for progression to the Gemmological Association’s Diploma in Gemmology examinations, leading to the prestigious FGA (Fellow of the Gemmological Association) status. During the Practical Endorsement, you will cover the usage of all standard gemmological testing equipment. The Course fee includes the fee for tuition and usage during the Course of all gemmological equipment not already provided to you by Gem-A.

Maximum number of participants: 6
The Course duration is of 3 days.


For further details on any of the above Courses, or any other aspect of Gemmology that is not covered above, please contact:


Training and Education

Katharine B. Hopley FGA DGA GG
P.O.Box 1047, Coventry, CV5 7ZG
Tel: 02476 467428 Mob: 07990 908471
Email: kbhopley@hotmail.com Twitter: @kategemmology

K.A.T.E. is a registered ATC & Correspondence Tutor for the Gemmological Association of Great Britain

Proprietor: K.A.T.E. Katharine*Aleks Training and Education

Proprietor: Katharine*Aleks Manufacturing Jewellers

Course Director: Gemmology, Birmingham City University 2006 - 2011